Happy Cycle
A very complete, natural formula of shots that have scientifically proven effects for rebalancing the cycle. It relieves premenstrual syndrome (irritability, bloating, skin imperfections, etc.) and also helps relieve different aspects of PMS such as depression, abdominal pain or sore breasts.
Quantity: 20 shots of 10ml each (3 cycles)
This food supplement should be diluted with a little water or juice (150 ml), preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. Take from the end of your period continuously until the first day of the next to rebalance your cycle (1 pack = 1 cycle). Or to take for 1 week before your period as a 3-month treatment in case of premenstrual syndrome (1 pack = 3 cycles). In case of very severe premenstrual syndrome, take continuously for 3 months. Can be taken by women suffering from endometriosis. Not recommended to be taken by women on the pill. Not recommended for pregnant women. Not recommended for breast feeding women. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should contact a healthcare professional before taking any supplement.